Risa Adams
Family Physician, CCFP
Certified IFS Therapist
IFS-I Approved Clinical Consultant & Assistant Trainer
Trainings include: Levels 1-3, Somatic IFS Training, Healing Circles, IFIO Advanced
Most Influenced by: Cece Sykes, Kay Gardner, Susan McConnell, Ann Sinko, Chris Burris, Toni Herbine-Blank & Robert Falconer
About Risa
Risa is a physician providing IFS psychotherapy and mental health services including perinatal and complex trauma care. She is passionate about bringing IFS to trauma and the systems that create it, including the medical system itself. She is also drawn to intergenerational legacy work and utilizing feminist and anti-oppression lenses. Having experienced the transformative power of the transpersonal she continues to open her mind and practice to the energies that influence, impact and support us. Risa is a mother, daughter, partner and basketball coach, as well as an avid reader. She lives with her family in Elora, Ontario on Treaty Land and Haldimand land grant, the traditional lands of the Attawandaran, Wyandot, Anishaabe and Haudenosaunee peoples. She is actively working to unlearn white privilege and cultivate cultural humility. Having experienced educational trauma herself, Risa is acutely aware and sensitive to shame in learning environments, and prioritizes relationship and consent in all of her IFS work.
Risa has taught introductory and comprehensive IFS courses for therapists and physicians including at St.Michael's Hospital Academic Family Health Team and the Central Lambton FHT. She is keen to bring IFS beyond the therapy room and into all levels of community and leadership.
Please see the various services pages on this site for my availability. Note that I am not available for referrals for therapy outside of my local area and perinatal focused practice. If you are an organization seeking training for your staff please contact me directly.